Policy Platform.

ZETA’s Policy Platform is a six-part strategy to create jobs in every congressional district, secure American global EV manufacturing leadership, improve public health, and reduce carbon pollution.
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About Our Policy Platform

Our federal roadmap to achieve 100% electric vehicle sales by 2030.

The transition to electric vehicles (EVs) offers national policymakers a chance to create thousands of domestic manufacturing jobs, protect public health, and secure American leadership in this innovative space.
ZETA looks forward to working with President-elect Biden and Congress to cultivate a strong clean transportation sector and accelerate the transition to EVs.
ZETA’s platform provides federal policymakers with a comprehensive guide to accelerate the adoption of EVs. It consists of 34 policy proposals across six pillars.
Policy Pillars
man charging a car

Light-Duty EV
Consumer Adoption

Point-of-sale consumer incentives, along with early retirement and tax incentives, will accelerate the demand for light-duty electric vehicles.
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electric bus

Medium- and Heavy-Duty Electrification

New tax credits, retirement incentives, and targeted programs will further accelerate and drive demand for electric medium- and heavy-duty vehicles.
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chargepoint charger

National Charging

A large-scale investment will create thousands of jobs, stimulate local economies, eliminate range anxiety, and pave the way for electrification.
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Encourage Domestic

ZETA’s policy proposals promote production across the entire supply chain, from raw materials to manufacturing to battery recycling.
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Performance and Emissions Standards

Strong emissions targets will protect public health and send powerful market signals to speed the transition to zero-emission modes of transportation.
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Federal leadership can provide an aligned vision for electrification that empowers local leaders with the necessary expertise and resources.
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Policy Pillar 1

Light-Duty EV
Consumer Adoption

Reform the Federal EV Consumer Credit

The 200,000 unit-per-manufacturer cap disserves consumers, punishes early domestic electric vehicle (EV) leaders, and will increasingly advantage foreign manufacturers.

Make Consumer Incentives Point-of-Sale /Refundable

The value of consumer incentives is dramatically improved if provided at or near the time of purchase. A point-of-sale or refundable tax credit will also provide a more equitable EV incentive for all income earners.

Create a Vehicle Retirement Incentive

A rebate for retiring legacy internal combustion vehicles rewards consumers, will speed the EV transition, and will meet the urgency of the moment.

Create a Tax Credit for Previously Owned EVs

Introducing a new credit for buyers of previously-owned/secondary market EVs will promote EV ownership among all income groups. Such a credit should only apply to the first resale of a used EV and should include restrictions on sales between related parties.

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Policy Pillar 2

Medium- and Heavy-Duty Electrification

Introduce a Non-Light Duty ITC

A 30% investment tax credit (ITC) for medium- and heavy-duty electric vehicles (MHDEVs) intended for commercial use will catalyze manufacturing capacity and create American jobs.

Suspend the Federal Excise Tax

Suspending the 12% federal excise tax on zero-emission trucks will set a clear market signal and incentivize public interest.

Create a MHDEV Retirement Program

In exchange for retiring heavy-duty trucks, purchasers should receive an additional incentive to acquire an electric MHDEV. Valuations should be based on vehicle emissions, model year, and miles traveled in the preceding year.

Enable the Transition to Zero Emission Transit Buses

Enacting the Green Bus Act will dramatically increase the size of the Zero Emission Bus program and ensure that all transit buses purchased with federal subsidies are zero emission vehicles by 2030.

Enact the Clean School Bus Act

The Clean School Bus Act will accelerate the electrification of school buses across the country by providing a billion dollars over five years to school districts to convert to zero emission buses.

Policy Pillar 3

National Charging Initiative

Invest $30 Billion in Public EV Charging Infrastructure

Congress should approve $30 billion over ten years in funding for public electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) infrastructure, including residential incentives and consumer equipment rebates provided directly to entities and by grants to state, local, and tribal authorities.

Reform the Alternative Fuel Infrastructure (30C) Tax Credit

Congress should enact the Securing America’s Clean Fuels Infrastructure Act, which would replace the 30C tax credit’s $30,000 cap per location with a $200,000 cap per charger. Additionally, Congress should make 30C a refundable tax credit.

Establish a Federal “EV Make-Ready” Definition

A federal definition of EV Make-Readies – generally understood as the electrical upgrades, equipment, and site improvements necessary to support charging equipment – will help optimize EVSE investments and leverage funds from the private sector.

Create a DOE/DOT State EVSE Assistance Program

The Recovery Act demonstrated the value of creating executive branch offices specifically dedicated to the execution of new federal funding programs. A federal EVSE office in the Department of Energy (DOE) or Department of Transportation (DOT) overseeing new rebate and grant programs created by Congress would help to rationalize them, improve their effectiveness, and provide technical assistance to states, localities, and tribes seeking to pursue EVSE deployment initiatives.

Establish Model Building Codes for Charging Infrastructure

Federal support for model building codes, with a focus on multi-unit and urban parking structures, will reduce the cost of installing EVSE infrastructure in the future.

Prioritize Transportation Infrastructure & Air Quality

Prioritize transportation electrification, especially for frontline communities, including charging infrastructure deployment for light-, medium-, heavy-duty and nonroad vehicles, within federal infrastructure and air quality programs such as BUILD, INFRA, Federal Lands Highways, STBGs, CMAQ, and DERA. For example, it is important to modify BUILD’s scope to include EV infrastructure and allow DOT to leverage this existing program.

Prioritize EVSE Buildout Within the National Highway Freight Network

The National Highway Freight Network helps direct federal investment. Introducing EVSE-specific guidance to prioritize planning for electrification and charging buildout will accelerate the electrification of medium- and heavy-duty electric vehicles.

Amplify TIFIA for EVSE Infrastructure

The Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) allows financing for large infrastructure projects, and should be improved by creating an EVSE set-aside and requiring Metropolitan Planning Office EVSE plans.

Introduce School District Grants for EVSE

Similar to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) school district grant program for infrastructure, Congress should make EVSE funding available to schools. This will allow school districts to invest in charging upgrades that serve personnel, students, and the community.

Upgrade the REAP

Make rural EVSE deployment an allowable expense under USDA’s Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) financing. This direction should allow other federal programs and incentives to be considered part of the grantee’s cost share and should support small business and on-farm vehicle electrification.

Policy Pillar 4

Encourage Domestic Manufacturing

Create a Domestic Manufacturing Tax Credit

Congress should support the Biden Administration’s 10% advanceable tax credit for companies that invest and create jobs in America. Eligible activities include revitalizing or reopening facilities, retooling, reshoring production, expanding U.S. facilities, and expanding manufacturing payroll.

Establish a DOE Office of Industrial Transformation

An Office of Industrial Transformation would drive an industrial innovation and competitiveness agenda within DOE that aligns with decarbonization goals. Key priorities for the new office should include coordinating research and development and commercializing and deploying industrial technologies at a scale to create capacity and American jobs.

Establish a DOE Office of Transportation Electrification

Modeled after the SunShot Initiative, an Office of Transportation Electrification would be charged with reducing barriers and costs along the entire transportation electrification value chain. Priorities for the Office should include EV infrastructure grid integration/interconnection and permitting costs, responsible development of critical minerals, and infrastructure workforce training.

Create an EVSE Manufacturing Credit

Congress should provide a 30% ITC for capital costs related to the domestic manufacture of EV charging equipment and subcomponents.

Create an Advanced Battery Manufacturing Tax Credit

Modeled after the Sec. 48C tax incentive, Congress should provide a 30% ITC for domestic investment in manufacturing that strengthens an end-to-end advanced battery supply chain, including mineral processing, cathode and anode production, cell and pack manufacturing, and battery recycling. Alternatively, the Advanced Battery Manufacturing Tax Credit could be modeled on the CHIPS Act, which includes a 40% refundable ITC.

Expand the ATVM

Expand the Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing (ATVM) program to support MHDEVs, off-road vehicle electrification, and domestic expansion of the end-to-end advanced battery supply chain.

Create an EV Manufacturing Credit Facility

Modeled after the Small Business Administration’s credit programs, Congress should create a transportation electrification manufacturing finance facility to deploy federal support to help manufacturers achieve sufficient scale, effectively compete, and de-risk projects. This credit facility should include loan guarantees, forgivable loans, and low-interest financing to transportation electrification supply chains.

Policy Pillar 5

Performance and Emissions Standards

Advance Light-Duty GHG Standards

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) should revitalize vehicle emission and performance standards to drive sharp reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, rapidly accelerate transportation electrification by 2030, and support the cooperative federalism of California’s Clean Air Act waiver authority.

Set a National Clean Fuel Standard

Transportation fuels must be decarbonized rapidly to achieve national net-zero emissions in the transportation sector no later than 2050. Implementing a federal clean fuel standard (CFS) as a successor program to the existing Renewable Fuel Standard Program (RFS) can utilize credit purchase proceeds to fund national EV incentives and will make it more economic to electrify MHDEV fleets. A federal CFS should incorporate existing subnational clean fuels programs and accommodate those with stronger standards.

Adopt the Phase 3 MHDEV GHG Standard

Adopting aggressive Phase 3 multi-pollutant emissions standards for model years 2028-2035 will dramatically reduce GHG and criteria air pollutant emissions from MHDEVs.

Act on eRIN Applications

EPA should act on pending applications for electric RINs (eRINs) under the RFS’s electric fuel pathways. Doing so would be consistent with congressional direction and would provide an immediate boost to vehicle electrification.

Policy Pillar 6

Federal Leadership

Make the Transition to EVs a Federal Priority

Issue an executive order:

1) Establishing a transportation electrification coordinator within the Council on Environmental Quality or a new White House office dedicated to addressing climate change, and

2) Directing all government agencies to use their existing authorities and agenda setting capabilities to advance the transition to EVs to the greatest extent possible. This should include policy development, procurement scoring and prioritization, federal fleet adoption, and utilization of personnel travel and rental programs.

Commit to Federal Vehicle Electrification

Establish a requirement for EVs to comprise 50% of federal light-duty vehicle procurement by 2025. Direct DOE, the Government Services Administration (GSA), and the Postal Service to evaluate regional deployment of EVs and identify any related barriers. Direct the Postmaster General to reward vendors that offer electric vehicle procurement options with lower life-cycle costs.

Catalyze Federal Charging Deployment

Require that all federal capital projects incorporate EV charging. Where possible and appropriate, make this infrastructure available to the public.

Promote Federal EV Rental

Direct DOE and GSA to require the use of EVs as part of the U.S. Government Rental Car Program. Driving EV rentals will provide a key source of vehicles for the secondary market in the short and medium terms.


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The Zero Emission Transportation Association (ZETA) is a federal coalition focused on advocating for the advancement of the electric vehicle supply chain. ZETA is committed to enacting policies that drive EV adoption, create hundreds of thousands of jobs, and maintain American EV manufacturing dominance in global markets.