Create a Domestic Manufacturing Tax Credit

IRA establishes the Advanced Energy Project Credit—a $10 billion investment tax credit to build clean technology manufacturing facilities.
Establish a DOE Office of Industrial Transformation
Establish a DOE Office of Transportation Electrification

IIJA established a Joint Office of Energy and Transportation.
Create an EVSE Manufacturing Credit

IRA establishes the Advanced Energy Project Credit—a $10 billion investment tax credit to build clean technology manufacturing facilities.
Create an Advanced Battery Manufacturing Tax Credit

IRA's Advanced Manufacturing Production Tax Credit Provides $35 per kWh in each battery cell, $10 per kWh in each battery module, and 10% of the costs of critical minerals production.
Expand the ATVM

IIJA expands the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing (ATVM) Program within DOE's Loan Program Office to include medium- and heavy-duty vehicles and off-road vehicles, including maritime technology. In addition, IRA allocates $3 billion with 7x authority—up to $20 billion for this program.
FY 23 Appropriations includes $9.8 million to remain available until September 30, 2024.
Create an EV Manufacturing Credit Facility

IRA's Advanced Manufacturing Production Tax Credit Provides $35 per kWh in each battery cell, $10 per kWh in each battery module, and 10% of the costs of critical minerals production.
BONUS: Recycling Research and Development (R&D) Appropriations

IIJA appropriates $200 million to expand the DOE’s work in Research, Design, and Development (RD&D) of EV battery recycling and second-life applications.
BONUS: Battery Processing and Manufacturing

IIJA provides funding to expand the processing and manufacturing of advanced batteries in the U.S. through research ($60 million), demonstration ($50 million), commercial-scale processing ($100 millon), and retrofitting projects ($50 millon).
BONUS: Advanced Energy Manufacturing and Recycling Grant Program

IIJA includes a $750 million grant program that helps small- and medium-sized manufacturers build or retrofit manufacturing and industrial facilities to produce or recycle advanced energy products in former carbon communities.
BONUS: Appropriations for Domestic Manufacturing

IRA provides $500 million in the Defense Production Act for heat pumps & critical mineral processing and $2 billion in grants to retool existing auto manufacturing facilities.
BONUS: Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) Funding Request
FY23 Appropriations Bill provides $570 million.
BONUS: Mineral Sustainability within the Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) Research
FY23 Appropriations Bill provides $880,000,000 to remain available until expended—$70,000,000 available until September 30, 2024 for program direction.