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ZETA Launches Interactive Investment and Jobs Map to Showcase Domestic Electric Vehicle Economic Development

June 6, 2022

Click here to view the map.

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Zero Emission Transportation Association (ZETA) launched an interactive map today that showcases the national economic impact of the United States’ growing domestic electric vehicle (EV) supply chain. The EV investment map uses publicly available data from private companies and overlays it on a map of the United States—displaying company names, business descriptions, locations, and jobs supported. 

“The EV industry has supported roughly 250,000 American jobs, but we have the potential to support millions more in the coming decades if we make the right policy choices today by onshoring more operations and encouraging consumer adoption,” said Joe Britton, Executive Director of the Zero Emission Transportation Association. “That means extending and strengthening the EV consumer tax credit, increasing incentives for public EV charging, and encouraging investment for domestic critical mineral procurement through tax credits.”

With 71% of American drivers currently considering an EV for their next vehicle, ZETA created the EV map to help researchers, journalists, and elected officials easily view the growing footprint of America’s domestic EV ecosystem and how each state plays a role in scaling up production of vital manufacturing for the industry. It is also the very sector and job growth we risk losing if our tax code is not upgraded to support domestic producers and drive EV adoption.

“New announcements are being made every day about a new project or major investment to support America’s growing EVs fleet—both personal and commercial—so we are viewing today’s launch as a first step to sharing just how much the United States has to gain with a strong and growing electric vehicle future,” Britton said. “We’ve frequently been asked by local and national policymakers about where EV investments were heading and how those benefits would impact the local community. So creating this map is a way to help show what is at stake, especially when it comes to tax credits that can help bolster consumer demand, domestic manufacturing and charging infrastructure buildout.”

Click here to view the map.

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About ZETA

National policies to support the electric vehicle supply chain.

The Zero Emission Transportation Association (ZETA) is a federal coalition focused on advocating for the advancement of the electric vehicle supply chain. ZETA is committed to enacting policies that drive EV adoption, create hundreds of thousands of jobs, and maintain American EV manufacturing dominance in global markets.