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Federal Leadership

Press Release: Zero Emission Transportation Association Applauds Build Back Better Act Framework

October 28, 2021


Washington, D.C. – The Zero Emission Transportation Association (ZETA) applauds President Biden’s announcement of a framework agreement for the Build Back Better Act. This consensus framework marks a critical juncture in the path toward enacting the largest legislative effort in history to combat climate change. While the bill’s details are still being negotiated, it is clear that among the bill’s strongest climate provisions will be tax incentives and emissions reduction policies designed to accelerate the deployment of electric vehicles (EVs) and EV charging infrastructure.

“EVs are among our most powerful tools for fighting climate change and improving public health,” said Joe Britton, the Executive Director of ZETA. “EVs are also creating millions of good-paying jobs and injecting billions of new dollars into local economies across the country. If Congress gets the details right, the Build Back Better Act has the chance to be an unprecedented opportunity to accelerate the deployment of EVs, which will ensure that these public benefits are delivered to all Americans.”

As the final details are negotiated, ZETA urges Congress to achieve the greatest EV adoption—and, therefore, the greatest emissions reduction—possible. That will require expanding the 30D and 30C tax credits to incentivize EV consumer purchases and EV charging infrastructure installation, respectively. Congress should avoid limiting the EV consumer incentive with restrictions that hinder certain consumers, vehicles, or manufacturers from driving the public benefits of transportation-sector electrification. Finally, EV adoption is predicated on the expansion of the national EV charging network, so Congress must incentivize the build-out of charging infrastructure in all communities by expanding the 30C tax credit. Without key incentives to spur EV charging infrastructure installation, widespread EV adoption will be severely limited, particularly in the frontline and underserved communities that have the most to gain from vehicle electrification.

Policy Platform

Learn about our six-part strategy for electrification.

About ZETA

National policies to support the electric vehicle supply chain.

The Zero Emission Transportation Association (ZETA) is a federal coalition focused on advocating for the advancement of the electric vehicle supply chain. ZETA is committed to enacting policies that drive EV adoption, create hundreds of thousands of jobs, and maintain American EV manufacturing dominance in global markets.