Siemens Government Affairs

Leading the World in Transportation Electrification: The U.S. Can Do It, With Strong Action from The Federal Government

Abby Campbell Singer
Abby Campbell Singer

Abby Campbell Singer is Senior Director and Head of Climate and Infrastructure Policy for Siemens USA. She leads federal policy development, strategy, and advocacy efforts on climate and infrastructure topics including electrified transportation networks, modernizing grid infrastructure for renewable integration, grid edge technologies and energy efficiency to make buildings smarter, safer and healthier. Prior to joining Siemens, she served as Senior Advisor for Energy and Climate for the British Embassy in Washington, D.C., where she managed a team of policy advisors across the U.S. Before that, she served as a Professional Staff Member for the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

Abby Campbell Singer
February 18, 2021

The opportunities in the electric vehicle (EV) space are abundant — from creating thousands of jobs and achieving historic levels of carbon reduction to ensuring all communities have equitable access to cleaner transportation infrastructure. For these reasons, we were thrilled to join ZETA as a founding member in its mission to achieve 100% electric vehicles sales by 2030.

For over 160 years, Siemens has invented, built, and supported the critical infrastructure systems that continue to move our country forward. From laying the first transatlantic cable connecting Europe to America in 1873 to deploying over 65,000 EV charging stations around the U.S., Siemens has a clear view of the economic and societal impact that infrastructure projects can deliver. While there is much that Siemens and our ZETA partners can do to meet our ambitious electrification goals, these efforts must be coupled with strong leadership within the federal government to ensure that the U.S. can lead the world in making an EV future a reality.

Other countries — including China, the U.K., and Norway — are investing in policies that support wider market participation and incentivize the deployment of critical EV charging infrastructure and new EVs. We need similar strategies in the U.S. to ensure we are competing, innovating, and leading.

Siemens and ZETA are excited that transportation electrification is a key focus of the Biden-Harris Administration and that it has already committed to electrifying the federal fleet.  This commitment sends a strong market signal and ensures American companies see ready purchasers on the horizon.  But the federal government can go further — by incentivizing EV rentals for travelling personnel, ensuring new capital projects include charging infrastructure, and directing all government agencies to prioritize electrification in contracting and procurement.  These strong actions will further catalyze the commercial development and investments we need.

The global race to create jobs and secure an advanced, clean transportation system is on.  Siemens is doing its part with an expanded manufacturing facility in Wendell, North Carolina, where local workers are helping to meet the need for electric bus and truck charging infrastructure.  Siemens introduced the industry’s first EV charger to interact with building management systems, enabling operators to monitor, manage, and adjust the systems in real-time. Our sites across Texas, California, Georgia and South Carolina are developing charging systems and technology that will help manage this new flow of power ensuring Siemens can help the U.S. realize full EV deployment.  

Siemens and ZETA are focused on driving policies that will ensure that all communities have equal access to EV technology, promote competitive markets, reduce carbon emissions, invest in a resilient and modern electrical grid, and give individuals more control over their energy future.

Siemens and the ZETA membership stand ready to work with Congress and the Federal government to ensure that the U.S leads the world in electrification and promotes an equitable approach to policies so we can all benefit from this new economy.

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About ZETA

National policies to support the electric vehicle supply chain.

The Zero Emission Transportation Association (ZETA) is a federal coalition focused on advocating for the advancement of the electric vehicle supply chain. ZETA is committed to enacting policies that drive EV adoption, create hundreds of thousands of jobs, and maintain American EV manufacturing dominance in global markets.